Member Changes:

  • Lynne Moyse leaves
  • Peggy Michau joins

July 1976

2   Wesley Methodist, Weavind Hall – Frl

4   Brits – Sun 10am

5   Mac to Army

11  Hatfield Baptist – Sun MonteCarlo Cinema

August 1976

14 Joan’s Kitchen Tea

23 Methodist missionary, Pretoria North – Mon

24 Methodist missionary, Lyttleton – Tues

25 Methodist missionary, Hercules – Wed

26 Methodist missionary, Mayville – Thur

27 Methodist miss, Mayville – Friday (Big Night)

September 1976

3  Joan’s Birthday

4  Les & Joan’s Wedding, St Alban’s Cathedral

5 Hatfield opens new facility on Anderson St

17  One Way Coffee Bar, Church St Pretoria – Fri

26  Rustenburg Methodist – Sun 7.30p

New Life Amplified: The move towards amps, electric guitars, PAs, mics, cables, monitors, was inevitable. The earlier Lyttleton YFC gig, when Kenny Jackson introduced mics opened a new chapter. [Side note: Kenny Jackson toured with the YFC singers/New Commandment team led by Pat Berning, who would later be a great influence, partner and producer of the 7th Avenue’s album.]

Soon a Peavey sound system was acquired. Then Les got “Blackie”,  a Gibson Les Paul electric guitar and an amp, Lewis strapped on a Fender Beetle Bass Guitar (later replaced by a heavy Blue Rickenbacker Bass). Seph got a Roland String machine. Steve traded in his bongos for a set of drums. The previous, all-acoustic sound of New Life changed. However the group was versatile enough to play  softer acoustic sets if the situation required it.

Seph remembers: It was the last time we played in the Monte Carlo Cinema in Hatfield, which had been Hatfield Baptist’s Sunday home for a while. I remember waiting in long lines for the second or third service! That was some church! People queueing up to get in. A few weeks later Hatfield opened a 1,000 seater church in Anderson Street.

This was a very Methodist Month! There was methodist in our madness! Sorry. Seeing as there is not much else to say, I thought of the practice venues.  In those early days we normally practised at Theo and Steve’s house in Mayville, or at Mac’s place, in Gezina. Occasionally we drifted out to at Les & Johnny’s place in Church street in Pretoria West. One night, when practicing at Theo’s, he was tired and hinting we should leave. But the fellowship was great, and we kept talking & playing.  Eventually he got in his pyjamas and proceeded to go to bed while we were still in his room! 

When practicing at Mac’s, we would be in the new addition to their house at the back. His Mom would bring us tea and her delicious shortbread! Occasionally Penny and Joan would make us toasted sandwiches. Memories of Toasted Vienna Sausages & Cheese!

Joan & Les were the first couple in the group to get married. The scene was St Albans Cathedral. We sang a few numbers, and Les and Joan (in her wedding dress) joined in the singing. Brilliant! 

October 1976

8    Peggy’s Birthday

22  St Albans Cathedral- Leading Worship – Fri ( A year After the Mission)

24  Witbank Methodist – Sun

29  Boulevard Hotel, Banquet for Hatfield Baptist  

November 1976

3    Police College – Wed

5    Kyalami 9-Hour – Fri

28  Hatfield Baptist – Sun (At Anderson St)

December 1976

3-19   Natal Tour (see separate entry under “Tours” or click here)

Unassigned 1976

Michael Cassidy Renewal week, St Francis Anglican, Waterkloof

Seph: We had met some great people at Hatfield Baptist, including two special guys, Nevil Norden & Corne van Niekerk. Neville had a gym in downtown Pretoria, on Paul Kruger Street. His aim was to build muscles and Christians, so you could find tracts strewn all over the place! (Those in the Sauna were rather wet & wimpy!) Quite a few large bodybuilding Christians came out of that Gym and Neville had also won either the title or runner up Mr South Africa.  

 But the reason I mention them was for the outreach we did together.  They organised a big tent at the Kyalami 9-hour motor endurance race, where we had the opportunity to perform. Neville was very kind to loan us his Brown Chevy El Camino bakkie on a number of occasions to transport our music equipment to venues, and this was one of those occasions.  

The Kyalami experience had one very memorable story.  Between song sets, we would mingle and talk to those present. A rather inebriated, not-too-steady-on-his-feet guy with bloodshot eyes came up to Mac during one of the breaks, and in a Portuguese accent asked, “Where’s ‘ell?” Mac tried to explain how it is a separation from God, and how God created it and how we can avoid going to it, by accepting Him.

With a dazed & puzzled look, our wobbly inebriated fellow asked again in his Portuguese accent… “No really, tell me where is ‘ell?” Again, Mac tried his best, but to no avail. There was a long pause as the guy tried to make sense of it, continuously looking at Mac while taking another swig from the bottle. A third time he asked in a semi-pleading tone… ”no, no where is ‘ell? Mac tried again, I tried too, but the guy just wandered off shaking his head. “Wow” we thought, “we really need to pray for him.” 

Imagine our surprise when he came back a little later with his friend in tow: ”This….. is Al”  he said.

I remember us leading worship for a number of days in a Waterkloof Anglican Church with Michael Cassidy preaching. I’m not sure when this was, but I believe it was held at St Francis Anglican Church in Waterkloof. No one else seems to remember this! So I may be dreaming.

January 1977

5 Youth Week  Pretoria-Wed

7 Hatfield Pretoria – Upper Room – Fri (At Anderson Street)

8 Seph 21st Birthday Party / Prayer Meeting- Sat

9 Moregloed Baptist, Pretoria – Sun

14 Youth Impact Meeting – Fri

15 Andrew Hanna’s Wedding – Sat

22 Befordview Jo’Burg YFC – Sat

28 Coffee Bar, Primrose, 7pm

28 YFC Funspiration – Gilooly’s Farm – Friday 

Seph: The year started out at YFC’s YouthWeek, at Hartebeespoort Dam.   YouthWeek was always a blast and an event we all looked forward to. Hundreds of kids from all over SA, Rhodesia, and SWA would come and it was always great playing there.  This may have been when the SABC came out to so a remote shoot for the Christian programme “CrossRoads”.

A few days later was my 21st birthday, and we had a get together at my Dad’s place in Voortrekker Rd.  Invariable these birthday parties turned into a prayer and praise session.  My dad was not home, but when he did come home later, there were people all over the place, some praying, others slain in the spirit, some singing, others counselling. As in the bible times, it seemed people were drunk, but orange juice was the strongest drink there! For my Dad, it was a very weird & strange sight!  For us, it was kind of normal! A great 21st … thanks!

February 1977

4 One Way Coffee Bar, Church Street Pretoria – Fri

5 Cecil’s 21st!

8 St Johns  Free Churches, Padre Louw – Tues

11 Clapham High, Pretoria – Fri

13 Castle Carey Clinic Pretoria- Sun

17 Boksburg – Nurses College – Thur “No terning beck”

18 Muldersdrift Gospel Drive In – Fri

19 Festival of Christian Music – Little Theater Springs – Sat. Dave Ornellas, Soul Searches, Power of Eight, Freeway, His Grace, YFC Singers, ECPass

22 Pat Berning Coming to listen to us

23 NG Meintjieskop, Pretoria, Superally

25 Hillview High Rally – Fri

27 Penny 21st

Seph:  A new month, a new 21st birthday! This time it was Cecil’s (aka Johnny). The celebration was in the Spencer’s home in Pretoria West, with nice yummy food from Cecil’s mom! And lots of “Love Group” members too. We sure knew how to party back then! 

Cecil:  I believe it was Les who gave me the name “Johnny” when he first saw me.  Our grandfather played soccer for Arcadia and Les obviously got inspired.  He was just about 3, but seems there was a player called Johnny Claassens. [Ed. -there is a street in Garsfontein named after him.] When Les saw me he said I could be Johnny Classens and play soccer with him.  The name stuck probably because my second name is John.

Seph: A number of the other events this month come to mind – but first some background. One of the “in”jokes of the group is the singing of a refrain from the old gospel song “No turning back”  in falsetto voices. It always raises a laugh – Mac is the main culprit in reminding us of it. The origin of the falsetto version is our performance at the Boksburg Nurses College.  That phrase and sound of “…No tehning…no tehning beck!” became ingrained in us as the nurses heartily sang and danced for Jesus. 

That was followed the next day on the opposite side of the Rand, when we went to the Muldersdrift Drive-in, – a christian Drive-in, if you can get such a thing.  It was a rather surreal event.  There we were in our suits on this glass-enclosed building under the screen looking out at the cars.  And our singing was piped through the small loudspeakers at each car.  Those heavy metal speakers, were not known for Hi-fidelity sound!  I can’t imagine how bad it sounded in the cars. But we gave our testimonies and sang to Jesus, to the applause of flashing lights! Different and probably one-of-a kind!   

The third date in this weekend involved a trip back to the East Rand to Springs, to the really nice “Little Theatre” (which wasn’t so little)  for the “Festival of Christian Music”. It sure felt like “Big Time”.  I can remember us being there all day on Sunday, beginning with setting-up and rehearsals in the morning. And who can forget the amazing guitar playing and voice of Dave Ornellas, with his head shaking from side to side as he seemingly angrily recalled walking down some place or other, with such a gritty tone. It was so different to the standard sweet Christian fare of the day, and was probably an inspiration behind changing our style. Others there included Soul Searchers, Power of Eight, Freeway (which included at least Mike Gill and probably his brother Ronnie), His Grace (the other band based at Hatfield church), YFC Singers and  ECPass. It is likely that at this event we met future good friends and companions on the road, Mike Duly, Chris Breedt and Ronnie Gill here. I can remember the song “Searchlight” by Chris Breedt, and wondered if it was them in the band “Soul Searches”? It was good to be with others who loved playing music and worshiping God. 

I guess we must have impressed Pat Berning because we had a scheduled meeting with him the next week. Pat was running YFC Music at that time.  Finally, that frantic February was capped by Penny’s 21st!  That made it three 21st birthday celebrations in 2 months!

March 1977

4 Era’s B’day – Friday  

4 Kyalami GP – Friday 7:30p   (see side bar below)

5 Cresta Shopping Center, Blackheath – Saturday Johannesburg Music Festival

13 Pretoria Univ – Girls Dorm-Huis Erika – Sun 6pm

13 WesKoppies, Pretoria – Sun 9:30p

14 SABC Television Recording – Mon

19 Prayer House, Eloff Street – Sat

20 Potchefstroom – Sun City Hall

24 Westrand with Pat Berning – Thur

25 Valley Methodist – Fri

25 Cliff Richard @ CBC Pretoria – Fri

April 1977

1 Park Street Commercial High School SCA – Pretoria – Fri

8-11th Lofdal, Easter Camp (See expanded section under “Tours”)

23 Reefland YFC, Kempton Park – Sat

26 Parkhurst Baptist Church Coffee Bar – Tues

29 Penge – Fri

Seph: Era’s Birthday. (Era was Theo’s Girlfriend at the time). My favourite Era story was the time we were all driving back in convoy from the Reef ….. Era and Theo, in the brown Mini Clubman station wagon….. Era talking away, Theo’s asleep, and getting closer and closer to the car in front, Era telling Theo he’s getting really close, and he continued, fast asleep till he drove right into the car in front of him on the highway! 

This month saw another Music Festival. this time at Cresta Shopping Center in Blackheath. I think the line-up included many of the people who performed the previous week in Springs: Dave Ornellas, Power of 8, YFC Singers. The concert meant we missed the actual Formula 1 Grand Prix at Kyalami, but we had priorities! – (See F1 Connection in Trivia & Facts.)

The next week saw us at the University of Pretoria’s Girls hostel, Huis Erica, in Hatfield. And we have pictures showing Peggy Michau. This may also have been one of the last times Peggy was involved. As you can see, we set up in a lounge at the hostel, and we were all dressed up!  We had the Peavey Speakers and mixer on stage.  Those were crazy times! Crazy, because after the gig we rushed off to Weskoppies, a Mental Institution in Pretoria, for another performance, that same evening!

The next day we were off to the SABC, all excited as they were going to videotape us for “Crossroads”, a Christian half hour variety program that aired on SABC on Sunday nights, hosted by Wendy Leith.  We had been contacted by Willem Jan van der Laag, and we showed up all excited, as we had hit the “Big Time”.   Our introduction to TV was rather miserable.  We sat around and waited and waited, till nearly midnight, because of studio backups, so they rescheduled for a few months later. I recall how we laughed, as Willem Jan wanted us to “move through each other” during the song as we rehearsed our set! 

West Rand with Pat Berning. This was the first time we played together with Pat. Subsequently we had a number of appearances together.

Remember Cliff Richard at CBC? I have a vivid memory of his rendition of “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”.  It was so powerful, with his arms out stretched as he performed it with no music. He also did “Why should the Devil have all the Good music” and then did a big pitch for Tear Fund, who were sponsoring his tour.

Another vivid date is theKempton Park gig. It was upstairs in an office centre with outside balconies and entrances, and we used up an enormous amount of energy hauling speakers, amps and the Fender Rhodes up those stairs. If memory serves well, we returned to this venue a couple of times.

Seph: Then what can we say about Penge!  What a trip!  The simple mention of the word makes Steve break out into uncontrollable laughter! Penge was a little mining town north of Lydenburg and in the middle of Nowhere. It took nearly 5 hours for us to get to it. Somewhat ominously, the road ended at Penge! We had to wait till quite late to play, as I recall, as there was a movie or some other “social” event happening.  With Penny and I in the car as well, Mac’s little blue Mini had to work really hard pulling the trailer! We were also edgy after having got lost. And to add to the surrealism, hardly anyone showed up for our concert when we started around 9:30-10p! So we resorted to laughter and phrases such as, “Careful your penge don’t fall down!” – The phrase still solicits laughter today whenever the group gets together. It was a brutal event, as we had to drive back the same night!

May 1977

7. Carlton Center Music Festival – Sat

13 See Davis’s off

14 Vereeniging Weekend 14/15 With Y1 & Vermooten?

17 Free Church – Tues

24 Theo going to Hospital

27 Noel’s 21st

28 One Way Coffee Bar, Pretoria – Sat

29 Norman House – Sunday  (With Ted Carr)

Seph: We first played at the Carlton Centre in May ’76. Once again we were back. This time it was on the round Ice Rink. I’m not sure if this was another YFC event? Probably another YFC Music Festival. We don’t have the program, like we did for the first Carlton Centre event.

The Vereeniging weekend may have been with the Y-Oners. I think Graham Vermooten’s brother Ian, was the preacher. Graham was a member of the Y-One team. It is here we met a number of the Y-Oners, including Penny (Deeks), and Soleil.

Another 21st Birthday! It was Noel Witcombe’s turn. Noel was a stalwart force in the band’s life – a wonderful guy. He had a limp due to polio but his faith was inspiring. He was so cheerful and full of the joy of the Lord, and one of the guys that hung around, helping in any way he could. Noel had been with us on the Natal Tour.

The Norman House YFC event organised by Ted Carr, opened our eyes to what a juvenile detention place was.  There were some rough kids in there, in what was really a prison. The stories we heard of them using bible pages to make zolls/cigarettes, and how the one girl, a Christian, was called “Holy Mary” and was given hickeys by the girls.  But for me, the worst was probably finding a pair of panties on my Roland keyboards, after we had been “counselling”. Kind of scary!

Recalling the Season of New Life with ladies.

Penny and Joan were in New Life from the beginning. Within months, Lynne Moyse (a talented singer in Steve and Theo’s Mayville Methodist Church, but still in high school) was asked to join to bolster the ladies section. Lynne brought much music and spirit to the group but, unfortunately, the group’s hectic schedule, led to her reluctantly, on her parents’ advice that she concentrate on her high school studies, backing out after a few months. Her cheerfulness and joy in the Lord was evident to all.

Peggy Michau replaced Lynne after a few months, and brought a new element. Not only did she sing, but also played the piano very well. And she had a Fender Rhodes Electric Piano! This was all part of a subtle plot to get everyone physically as well as spiritually strong. This, of course, added added to an already-increasing workload when setting up mics, speakers, drums and amps for performances.

The decision to be an all male group, was born from the fact we were hoping to reach more young people with a more contemporary sound. But the change did not mean good bye to the girls forever, as both Penny and Joan were married to Mac & Les, members of New Life.

The End of the Girls Era

And so an era came to an end – These were of the last appearances of the ladies, as it was decided to be an all guys group going ahead.

Lewis: After Gertie”s dad’s introduction of us as the New Life Gospel Singers (or something like that)… and some others thinking of us as gospel singers, (as in a choir ) I felt strongly that the name “New Life” did not reflect who we were. However, at this point nobody else was too keen on the idea.  After a long period of nagging some of the guys started to come over to that way of thinking… I also thought that the Living Sound concept was “old hat”, and that an all male group like Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young would be a better option to reach young people. Much discussion followed. We all had a long prayer and chat one evening at Mac’s parents’ house – the usual room at the back – and decided to change to an all male group….This whole (not easy) process took several months from start to finish. But eventually there was a name change, more than a year later, and the transformation was complete.

Seph: We saw God work in so many amazing ways in those first two years. We were honoured to see many people come to the Lord, and I’m sure we can all agree that our relationship and faith in God grew rapidly in that time.  We seem to have unending energy with so many appearances, and were so eager to serve God. We were surrounded by like-minded people, especially the ‘Love Group”, who were eager to show up, help and pray, with no real recognition, except that Jesus be glorified.  What a privilege for us! It seems so simple now, yet for me it was the time that solidified my foundation in Christ, that has served me all these years. Now 45-years later, I can reflect on and thank our precious Lord for allowing us to get a glimpse of Him so early, and to maintain it all these years.

Continue to next page: New Life – Guys only


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