Multi-Media meant twin back projected screens, on either side of the band, with coordinated alternating images and words, as well as lighting on band.

By 1980, 7th Avenue was including multi-media presentations within the show. Partly inspired by Stan Hannan during the Bulawayo Tour in ’78 (he used large back projected images on either side of the band), and having seen first hand the effectiveness of single screen back projected “lightshows” that YFC had used successfully with images, words and songs in their “ComeTogether” and “Superally” events in ’75-79″. 

Another factor was the music. Now more rock. As some of the songs grew louder, the criticism arose that the words were not being heard. The lyrics were always important to the band, as it carried the message. This new multi media hybrid, now included twin back projected screens on which the words were projected, interspersed with visuals pertaining to the songs and words. 

It also meant a lot more work! Prepping for each song meant about 30 slides, put in order of the songs. A script had to be produced with each event, allowing twin operators sitting behind the screen to change the slides by manual trigger on the Kodak Carousel projectors as they followed the script. And then the Carousels had to be changed after every few songs as they only held a limited number of slides!

In addition, new lighting equipment was added to provide a more controlled environment, so the band could be lit, but not wash out the screens. And that need a lighting person to control the lights. It was a major undertaking, and something not yet seen in the South African christian concerts in 1980.


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